A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a tax-benefit program for people covered by high-deductible insurance plans (HDHPs) that are used for qualified expenses above and above the coverage limits and/or exclusions for HDHPs. Contributions are made to the individual's or the employer's account and are limited to a maximum annual sum.
The IRS issued (Rev. Proc. 2019-25) the calendar-year 2020 inflation-adjusted figures for the annual HSA contribution limits.
It includes the minimum deductible amounts and maximum out-of-pocket expense amounts for high-deductible health plans.
For 2019,
Maximum HSA Contribution Self-only: $3,500, Family: $7,000.
Minimum HDHP Deductible Self-only: $1,350, Family: $2,700.
HDHP Out-of-Pocket Maximum Self-only: $6,750, Family: $13,500.
For 2020,
Maximum HSA Contribution Self-only: $3,550, Family: $7,100.
Minimum HDHP Deductible Self-only: $1,400, Family: $2,800.
HDHP Out-of-Pocket Maximum Self-only: $6,900, Family: $13,800.
***Source from (Rev. Proc. 2019-25): https://www.irs.gov/irb/2019-22_IRB#REV-PROC-2019-25
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